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For Clean, Sparkling Work Places

No-Hassle, Easy Commercial Cleaning Quotes

Capable, experienced cleaning of buildings even up to 1,500,000 square feet!
Typical average size of building we clean is 50,000 square feet.

Facility Care Janitorial Solves Your Janitorial Problems

Here's how we've made some of our customers' lives happier. If you are trying to decide if hiring a janitorial company is worth the expense, read on!

Commercial Business Spring Cleaning for the Competitive Edge

Commercial Cleaning for OklahomaIt's Spring in Oklahoma! A time for rains, warmth, humidity, and sunshine.

It's also the time for our fully open businesses to go through and check things they may have over looked regarding the commercial cleaning of their public and employee areas.

After this very unusual year of closings, lock-downs, isolating, and working from home, more people than ever seem to be out and about in Oklahoma, especially in the Oklahoma City Metro area. Restaurants are busy, streets are crowded, and people are going in and out of businesses.

With that in mind, we at Facility Care Commercial Cleaning want to give you and your business the very best possible competitive edge. How? By making sure your public and employee areas are sparkling, clean, smell good, and look ship-shape -- or shall we say "like a million bucks"! It's amazing how dirty places can get even without people moving through them!

To help, here's a quick, handy list to check. If you see ANY of these things at your commercial business, CALL us! We'll be glad to help:

  • Dull, scuffed floors - we'll get them polished and shining as much as possible
  • Dirty carpets - we'll clean and deodorize them for you
  • Dirty, smudged windows - we'll polish all your glass dividers, windows, and panels
  • Dust in corners and along wall moldings - we'll get in there and clean that right up!
  • Dusty lamps, light fixtures, and ceiling moldings - we have the tools and expertise to clean those areas so they sparkle.

Let Facility Care Commercial help you inspire business!

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Special Cleaning Needed for End of March, 2021

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With COVID-19 and spring here, it's time to stay up and even ahead of germicide services and the leaves and mud that gets brought into your facility in spring time.

Don't wait another minute! Facility Care Commercial Cleaning will restore your floors to their very best condition AND keep them clean, sanitized, and inviting-looking.

Make sure you inspect the corners, moldings, and not-so-obvious flooring areas.

Did you notice that more and more people are out and about doing things again? This means potentially more customers and even more employees present in your offices and buildings. Facility Care knows exactly how to provide a safer, more germ-free environment for all.

Need help with this type of cleaning for your business office? Call Facility Care toll free at 1-800-672-3697 for the type of dependable and trustworthy commercial cleaning that will present a truly professional appearance to your employees and customers.

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Spring Cleaning for Businesses

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Spring is finally here! Spring is the perfect time for specialized, deep cleaning for business facilities. Offices and buildings always have spots that are not cleaned regularly. After a few months, this effects the total cleanliness of the building and how it looks.

Call us at 1-800-672-3697 to find out how Facility Care Commercial Cleaning can start your company and facility off this spring with a complete, customized, professional commercial cleaning service. We will get you started with a good, regular commercial cleaning schedule AND add in specialized services for certain times and events.

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