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For Clean, Sparkling Work Places

No-Hassle, Easy Commercial Cleaning Quotes

Capable, experienced cleaning of buildings even up to 1,500,000 square feet!
Typical average size of building we clean is 50,000 square feet.

Facility Care Janitorial Solves Your Janitorial Problems

Here's how we've made some of our customers' lives happier. If you are trying to decide if hiring a janitorial company is worth the expense, read on!

Spring Cleaning: Public Areas - Walls and Ceilings

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Perhaps some of the least cleaned areas of a commercial building's public areas are the walls, corners, ceilings, and light fixtures! Here's a check list to help you with that. AND - Facility Care Commercial Cleaning can clean ALL of these areas for you.

Clean Walls - AND Corners! You may be surprised how dirty walls can become over the year. Dust and grime build up slowly - so slowly you may not notice. And, corners between the walls and the ceilings can harbor some little critters or dust "bunnies". Here's some ideas to help you target these areas for your Commercial Sprint Cleaning project.

Washing / Dusting / Scrubbing the Walls: Especially areas with any moisture, washing or dusting the surfaces and corners of walls is an important aspect of commercial cleaning. We know exactly the perfect type of product and technique to clean your commercial facility's walls. At this time, you might also inspect them for update/repair/upgrades. You might also check all electrical sockets and plugins.

Ceilings even collect grim! While we tend to think that things fall down because of gravity, air flow can cause debris to rise and stain, darken the ceiling. This can be an opportune time to have the ceiling cleaned. Ask us how best to clean your ceiling. Repairs at this time may also be timely.

Light Fixtures: YES! Clean, dust, and polish them. Maybe change any light shades to newer ones. Remember, your clients / customers will be coming in and any stained or torn or otherwise worn shades or light covers present a very bad image to your public.This may also be a good time to check the electrical work, add or move fixtures, or change fixtures. 

Ask us at Facility Care Commercial Cleaning for help with cleaning your ceilings and walls. You'll be glad you did!


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You'll Talk to the Owner

19801829 sYup, you heard me right! When you call in for information about Facility Care Commercial Cleaning, you'll either talk to the owner or his second in command. And then, the OWNER HIMSELF will come out and meet with you at the property. Yes -- you saw that correctly -- NOT a sales person -- but THE OWNER!

Why does that matter?? Well, we've found that it's possible that sales people can promise you the moon, or promise you services that do not properly fit your needs. As the owner, Jim knows that the reputation of his company is critical for doing business. So, Jim will make absolutely sure that you receive the very best service: the best contract for your needs, the best price, and the best types of services.

Jim knows that..."The Buck Stops Here"...it stops with him. He's responsible to make sure your commercial cleaning contract fits your needs as best as possible. You can trust Facility Care Commercial Cleaning.

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