It's Spring in Oklahoma! A time for rains, warmth, humidity, and sunshine.
It's also the time for our fully open businesses to go through and check things they may have over looked regarding the commercial cleaning of their public and employee areas.
After this very unusual year of closings, lock-downs, isolating, and working from home, more people than ever seem to be out and about in Oklahoma, especially in the Oklahoma City Metro area. Restaurants are busy, streets are crowded, and people are going in and out of businesses.
With that in mind, we at Facility Care Commercial Cleaning want to give you and your business the very best possible competitive edge. How? By making sure your public and employee areas are sparkling, clean, smell good, and look ship-shape -- or shall we say "like a million bucks"! It's amazing how dirty places can get even without people moving through them!
To help, here's a quick, handy list to check. If you see ANY of these things at your commercial business, CALL us! We'll be glad to help: