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For Clean, Sparkling Work Places

Facility Care Janitorial Solves Your Janitorial Problems

Here's how we've made some of our customers' lives happier. If you are trying to decide if hiring a janitorial company is worth the expense, read on!

COVID-19 Cleaning for Churches

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Facility Care Janitorial specializes in commercial cleaning for churches. We know what places and items need special attention and cleaning.

In these COVID-19 times, we can provide additional germicidal services for your church. We want to help you keep your people healthy and safe. Surfaces we can clean with Germicide include:

  • All frequently touched common surfaces such as light switches, door knobs, pens.
  • All common areas such as table tops, countertops, glass partitions, meeting rooms, and more.
  • Bathroom areas.
  • Cooking areas.
  • Certain types of electronics, touch pads, and screens.

As an additional help for you, we have a handy flyer to help keep everyone safe. This free flyer gives tips and recommendations in the light of special safety actions necessary in these times. This flyer is in full color and printable. You are welcome to print it. Click here to download the COVID-19 flyer.

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Does Your School Need a Bit More Cleaning?

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Facility Care Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning Services has a long, excellent history of helping schools and educational facilities keep clean, healthy, and welcoming. Shining, sparkling surfaces are very welcoming indeed! We can customize our janitorial cleaning services to fit your building's needs.

Surfaces we can clean with Germicide:

  • All frequently touched common surfaces such as light switches, door knobs, pens.
  • All common areas such as table tops, countertops, glass partitions, and more.
  • Bathroom areas.
  • Cooking areas.
  • Certain types of electronics, touch pads, and screens.

We've come up with ANOTHER way to help keep your business tip-top. This full color, printable flyer is YOURS! FREE! Just download it and print it off. Then, post it for your employees and customers to see. Help keep YOUR business facility safe and healthy.

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Employees Coming Back to the Work Place

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All over Oklahoma City and the metro area, employees are returning to the work place after having to work from home.

Up your game and make sure your work place environment is clean and sanitary. Keep your employees healthy and your business progressing. Facility Care Commercial Cleaning is a vital part of your work place team. We are here to provide you and your employees with a "shield of protection" and cleanliness.

We have tips that help employers and employees provide the best work place environment during this unusual COVID time. And, we can provide you with a flyer to post at your offices.

Call Facility Care Commercial Cleaning now for the best cleaning service your work place can get.

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Retail Business Cleaning

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You only get once chance to make a great first impression. If your retail space isn’t fresh and clean, your customers will take notice.

At Facility Care Inc. Janitorial Services, we help retail owners attract and keep customers by providing a clean, safe, attractive shopping environment.

A Clean Environment That Your Customers Will Notice

s a retail owner, you have enough on your plate. Keeping your store clean shouldn’t be hassle; and when you hire Facility Care Incorporated, it won’t be.

Our team takes the success of your business seriously. That’s why we work hard to ensure that no detail is overlooked. Our hand-selected team members are carefully chosen for their professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to customer service.

And as our client, you can expect attentive, personalized service and a worry-free overall experience. 

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Facility Care Germicide Cleaning

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At Facility Care Janitorial Services in Oklahoma City Metro Area, we have long experience in knowing what places in an office, church, medical clinic, or other such building need special cleaning attention.

With so many precautions in place right now, we can help your medical clinic or commercial building stay clean and safer.

Just think of Facility Care Janitorial Services as your Shield of Protection!

Call us for a customized commercial cleaning plan to fit your businesses' or building's needs. We are here for you!

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